Fatal and Catastrophic Claims

The loss of a family member following an accident is an extremely distressing and often overwhelming experience. As well as having to cope with the loss of a loved one you may well have difficulty dealing with the circumstances of how this has occurred and wish some advice and assistance to alleviate your immediate concerns and with a view to subsequently progressing a claim for compensation. While no amount of money will make amends for your loss, the loss of a loved one may also result in financial implications on your family and yourself and a claim for compensation can provide financial security.

Over the years, Lefevres has built up considerable experience in dealing with fatal accident compensation claims and the person you will speak with, will be able to professionally and sympathetically advise you on the prospects of proceeding with a compensation claim, who is entitled to claim and what monetary sums can be claimed for. This person will thereafter deal with your claim from commencement to conclusion and will always be on hand to answer your queries and provide advice, guidance and support at this most difficult of times.

We also have extensive experience in dealing with serious injury claims. Unfortunately, accidents can result in brain injury, spinal injury leading to paralysis and limb amputation. Again we have over the years dealt with claims of significant complexity following serious injury and on contacting us we can advise on the prospects of successfully concluding a claim for compensation as a result of another party’s negligence, what monetary sums can be claimed for and provide advice and guidance to yourself or a family member or friend on your behalf, in the difficult time immediately following a serious injury being sustained.